This article is amazing. Turns out a sheriff was pocketing money for the prisoners meals. And it’s legal! The NY Times article is ravaged with low blows to the beautiful state of Alabama. But, how this guy’s complaint was singled out, I don’t know. Check out this quote:
One inmate interviewed from the jail, William Draper, said he had lost 15 pounds since his incarceration on marijuana trafficking charges in October. “Yeah, you stay hungry,” Mr. Draper said. “Hunger is something you live with.”
I don’t need to explain this bc y’all are smart. But, my general thought is, this is jail…you did something wrong enough to be put in there and chances are, you didn’t come from royalty so it’s not like you’re used to foie gras and black truffles. In fact, you, you who has given up your rights as a citizen, probably spent your days inhaling Lo Mein, Honey BBQ Wise Potato Chips, and Popeye’s. So, a “meager” meal of 2 fucking peanut butter sandwiches, chips, and a sports drink are probably what they would make if they stayed in at home. I don’t even eat that much for lunch. Stop whining. All these inmates were probably fat fucks anyways. They could use a caloric drop.
I was watching one of the late night show’s the other night and they had some prisony/sheriffy type on saying that he only allowed 3 TV stations to be showed: The Weather Channel, Food Network, and CSPAN. Awesome. He tells people it’s because he wants to educate the inmates but you and I know it’s to bore them (weather and legislation) and torture them (delectable food being prepared and eaten). Although, if Rachel Ray is on, that’s straight up cruel and unusual punishment. Uck.
*Note: www.IHateRachaelRay.com has been taken down.