We needed shelves and table legs so we hopped on the FREE Ikea Water Taxi from the South Street Seaport and sailed across the East River to Red Hook. I remembered as we taxied to park that it was Rib Night! I saw the sign last time we were there a few weeks ago. Basically, it’s not like Barbeque Ribs-it’s Barbeque Sauced Ribs which I don’t really do since it masks the flavor of the meat. All drippy and sweet. Not really my thing…with meat. The fries were awesome, though. The cornbread was light and fluffy like yellow cake. In fact, it tasted like yellow cake with some masa thrown in. The Mac N’ Cheez was fine. Nothing great, nothing offensive. Of course, we had to get the meatballs. My sister and I used to get them when we went as kids. Highlight!